Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Can You Be a Boy Scout Forever?

Dazed and confused after a long night in New York City, I was waiting on the corner of 30th and Market after successfully stowing away in a Megabus back to Philadephia. As I was waiting for my ride, I heard hundreds...no, thousands of footsteps coming from where my peripheral vision was unable to see and I was too weak to turn around. The footsteps crept closer and closer, and before I knew it I was being trampled by the biggest wolfpack of boy scouts I had ever seen in my entire 19 years of existence. Back in the day my brother was a boy scout and I was a girl scout, so I knew a few things about these little groups, but this one was unlike anything my eyes had ever seen: dressed in the khaki pants, green button down shirt, tan scarf with overstuffed backpacks (most likely full of 45 extra pairs of socks for their "epic" adventures) and hiker boots. But their attire was not what struck me as strange, the age-range of this wolfpack was what hit me hard; I saw little boys appearing to be, at the youngest, 6 years old, and then I saw men who appeared to be at least 20 years old. What? What new badges can you possibly get after being a boyscout for 10 years? Isn't there a cut-off? When did it become okay to be an over-achiever when it comes to building a tent and steering clear of poison ivy?

"On my honour I promise to do my duty to God and to obey the scout law." i guess the boy scouts mean business...

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